Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Nutrition Information on Food Labels †a Waste of Time and Money?

NUTRITION INFORMATION ON FOOD LABELS – A WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY? Nutrition information on food labels is very useful and helpful for consumers; it is not a waste of time. In this essay I will write about the history of food labelling and later I will concentrate on consumers who should read food labels and those consumers who read the food labels. After that, I will focus on the importance and the advantages that information on food labels have. In the last part, I will write about problems that customers have when reading instructions on food labels. Food labels came legally to life in 1906. Everything started in the USA because the Food and Drug Act said that â€Å"food labelling is needed to protect consumers from economic harm to reducing consumer’s risk of chronic disease†. In 1993, the Nutrition Labelling and Education Act (NLEA) required mandatory food labelling on most products excluding coffee, spices, raw foods and take away foods. Regulations apply mostly to processed and packaged foods and require specific information on food labels like: name of the food, list of nutrients (fat, sodium, total carbohydrates, dietary fibre, proteins, vitamins A and C, some minerals, calories and Kilo calories), the name and address of the manufacturer, the place of origin, serving sizes, expiry date, nutrient content claims, health claims and information about Recommended Daily Intake (RDA) of nutrients while consuming 2000 calories. In the European Union, legislation on food labelling wants to protect, inform and help society to make knowledgeable choices. Every manufacturer should provide the required information to ensure that consumers will be satisfied when buying their products. Food labelling regulations help the consumer to buy safer food. People are more confident when choosing products if they know what a particular product consists of. Nowadays most of the nutritional labels are very advanced and show detailed information about each nutrient and ingredient. Consumers read the labels mostly to improve their intake in good nutrients (proteins, fibre, good fat, vitamins and minerals) and minimize intake of unhealthy nutrients (saturated fat, sodium, cholesterol) that a particular product contains. Those who experience cardiovascular problems, are overweight and obese or have type 2 Diabetes should read nutrition labels very carefully to avoid high intake of nutrients which are significant risk in causing or worsening the illness. Consumers who are allergic to certain foods use nutrition labels to find information about the ingredients that they must not to eat. The most common allergic foods are: milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat and soybeans. Some of the above foods may cause instant death or digestive problems like celiac disease or lactose intolerance. Also, the elderly people should read the labels to meet their dietary requirements, which differ from other age groups. Pregnant women should control their Vitamin A intake derived from animal organs and increase their intake in folic acid. Vegetarian and vegan groups will find nutritional labels very useful particularly about the proteins and ingredients derived from animals. Another group of consumer reads information on food labels for personal reasons, for instance to exclude genetically modified foods or religious reasons. Research findings in different countries show that significant amounts of consumers use nutrition information on food labels. Surveys done in the United Kingdom have shown that 58% of those interviewed use nutrition labels. Those people recognize their diet as an important part in their lives. 17% use the labels for nutritional advice. Another study in America has shown that society is interested in nutrition food labels and use them while shopping or at home. The research showed that people with more than high school education are more likely to read the labels. In Canada consumers with small financial income, the elderly and less educated were less likely to use and understand nutrition labels. In Australia and New Zealand, 34% of consumers read the nutrition food labels. Significant groups of parents with young children usually use food labels to check the information about fat and sugar intake. Another advantage of nutrition information on food labels is that consumers look at the labels when buying unknown food products (for example from different parts of the world). It allows people to try exotic and extraordinary cuisines. Nutrition labels are guides to healthy eating and improving diet in beneficial nutrients. They help to avoid bad nutrients and remove bad products from our diets. For instance, manufacturers must inform on food labels that the product contains hydrogenated fat which is more harmful than animal fat. Nutrition food labels draw our attention to healthiness. In America, surveys demonstrated that consumers compare food products to purchase the ones with lower fat and sodium amounts. Information on food labels positively influences consumers that would like to prevent cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Those consumers choose low fat and low sugar products. There has been found a connection between reading the labels and losing weight. In other words, people are more aware of what they eat and make their decisions consciously. Scientists from two American Universities estimated that â€Å"the total monetary benefit of decrease in body weight was $63 to $ 166 billion over a 20-year period of the costs of the NLEA†. Food labels also help to reduce deficiency in certain nutrients. For example costumers who lack iron or fibre in their diet can easily choose food which is high in those nutrients while reading information on the back of the packaging. Legislation on food labels has brought another benefit for consumers. Manufacturers have to follow the rules and cannot wrongly label products. The Food Standards Agency in America is responsible to protect customers against dishonest manufacturers. Retailers must label their product appropriately and must describe it correctly. Labelling food is not only good for consumers but also for manufacturers. They recognized that the more information they show on the labels the better product will sell. It is a great deal for consumers who can find out more details about new products. There is a campaign running around the world called â€Å"5 a day†. With these words health organisations try to convince consumers to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Manufacturers and retailers in the UK joined the program and present the information on their food labels. The Information draws consumer awareness and helps them to realize that eating more fruits and vegetables will reduce the risk of certain diseases like cardiovascular disease. Apart from regular nutrition information on food labels on the back of the packaging, manufacturers present some coloured, highlighted instructions in the front of the packaging. This message is much easier for customers to understand than the directions from the back of the product. Usually the information shows the amount in grams per 1 serving and the percentage of daily intake of the nutrient (calories, fat, sugar, protein, sodium / salt). On the other hand, nutrition information on food labels needs some improvements. Food labels should all look the same and equally present the same list of nutrients with the same percentages and amounts. It will be easier for the consumer to memorise one kind of label. Unfortunately, every manufacturer labels their products differently. Consumers do not have time to spend hours in a food store. For example, a co-op retailer in the UK presents its own labels which describe â€Å"high, medium and low† to help consumers to choose healthier products and understand the label more. In fact, industry organisations see it as misleading information considering that these labels could be problematic to sell for example â€Å"fat† in food which is indeed very beneficial to maintain balanced diet. The next problem is that the consumers lack an understanding of the function of different nutrients presented on the labels. The European Heart Network found out that consumers widely read nutrition food labels but do not fully understand them. Often, amounts of nutrients require calculations and consumers do not have enough knowledge about the different nutrients that are important in their diets. The Public Health Nutrition journal informed that converting information from grams to grams per serving size caused difficulties. Nutrition labels should respond to consumer needs and give clear and simple instructions. In conclusion, nutrition information on food labels is not a waste of money. The idea of presenting this information is great because it helps customers to see what packaged food contains and choose the best product that suits them. The information on food labels gives instructions for people who are allergic and have food intolerances. It is also a guide for the consumer on how to start or maintain eating a balanced diet and how to avoid unhealthy and harmful nutrients. However, nutrition information on food labels still needs improvement to enable better public understanding and this is an area that needs to be addressed. References: 1. Angela Shine, Seamus O’Reily, Kathleen O’Sullivan (1997) â€Å"Consumer use of nutrition labels†. British Food Journal, Vol:99, Iss:8, p: 290-296 2. Carolyn D. Berdanier†¦ [et al. ], (2002), â€Å"Handbook of nutrition and food†, California, CRC Press. 3. European Public Health Alliance, (2005) â€Å"Food labelling in the EU: purposes, principles and challenges† URL: http://www. epha. org/a/2006 4. Food and Drug Administration, (2011) â€Å"Food allergies: What you need to know†, URL: http://www. fda. gov/Food/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/ucm079311. htm 5. Food Standards Agency, 2010, â€Å"Understanding labelling rules, URL: http://www. food. gov. uk/foodlabelling/ull/ 6. Food Standards Australia, New Zealand (2011), â€Å"Labelling of food†. URL: http://www. foodstandards. gov. au/consumerinformation/labellingoffood/ 7. Gill Cowburn, Lynn Stockley (2005). â€Å"Consumer understanding and use of nutrition labelling: a systematic review†, Public Health Nutrition, vol:16. Pg: 695-708 8. Hawkes Corrina (2004), â€Å"Nutrition Labels and health claims: the global regulatory environment†, Geneva, World Health Organization. 9. Howard Moskowitz, Michele Reisner, Jonhn Ben Lawlor and Rosires Deliza, (2009), â€Å"Packaging Reasearch and Food Porduct Design and Development†, Iowa, Wiley-Blackwell A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Publication. 10. Labels and Labelling Data and Consultancy Services Ltd, (1984), â€Å"Guide to food labelling, Part 2 Claims and misleading descriptions† â€Å"Labels-Law and Legislation – England† 11. M. L. Neuhouser, A,R Kristal, R. E. Patterson (1999), â€Å"Use of food nutrition labels is associated with lower fat intake†Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Vol:99, issue 1, pg: 45-53. 12. National Health Service, 2009, â€Å"Buy healthier food†. URL: http://www. nhs. uk/Livewell/loseweight/Pages/readingfoodlabels. aspx 13. Nayga, R. M. , Lipinski, D. and Savur, N. (1998), Consumers' Use of Nutritional Labels While Food Shopping and At Home. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 32:  106–120. doi:  10. 1111/j. 1745-6606. 1998. tb00402. x 14. Stephen Havas, Jerianne Heimendinger (1995), â€Å"5 a day for better health-nine community research projects to increase fruit and vegetable consumption†, Public Health Reports, vol:110, issue:1, pg:68-79. 15. Variyam, Jayachandran N. and Cawley, John, Nutrition Labels and Obesity (January 2006). NBER Working Paper Series, Vol. w11956, pp. 16. Variyam, J. N. (2008), Do nutrition labels improve dietary outcomes?. Health Economics, 17:  695–708. doi:  10. 1002/hec. 1287 17. Vernal S. Packard, Jr (1976) â€Å"Processed Foods and the Consumer. Additives, Labelling, Standards and Nutrition†. Ontario, Burns ; MacEachern Limited.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Valediction Forbidding Mourning

A Valediction Forbidding Mourning Analysis In the poem â€Å"A Valediction Forbidding Mourning†, by John Done, it is about a man who is saying goodbye to his lover as he is about to leave. Done is trying to make his departure easier for his lover so he writes her a poem. He uses many deferent literary elements to enrich his poem and make It more compelling to the reader. He uses onomatopoeia, syntax, euphemism, and similes to Inform the reader about his love. This helps the speaker compare his love to life like features to show how deeply he Is In love. Done first tells his lover that he will not be gone forever.He explains how â€Å"virtuous men pass mildly away. † What Done Is saying Is that his lover has to be able to accept the fact that he Is leaving. Just like someone has to accept death. In most cases people do not make the choice to die. It Is something that happens to everyone and there Is nothing to do to stop It. So overall, Done Is telling his lover that his exit Is going to happen. Done later explains to his lover how people are worried about the earth's rotation. He uses this connection to show how his lover does not have to worry. Done informs his lover how, workstation of the spheres,'Though greater far, is innocent. † In other words Done is saying that his lover fears him going away, but she shouldn't because he will return. What this meaner is that her worrying is pointless. She fears something that is naturally occurring. Her fear of him leaving is not worth worrying about because he will return. Done compares his love to gold in the 6th stanza. He states that their love is not â€Å"a breach, but an expansion. † The meaning of this is that their love will never fall apart, only expand. He Is saying that no matter how far they are away from each other, they will always e together.Done compares this to gold because when it is stretched it expands, it will not break. So he compares his love to this because their love will never break. In stanzas 7 and 8 Done compares his love to a compass. In the 7th stanza he explains how the soul, the fixed foot, makes no show/ to move, but doth, if the' other do. † The fixed foot of the compass stays in the center while the other one makes a circle around it. It doesn't matter how far apart they are, the two feet will always stay together. The axis in the middle is the force that holds their love together.Done also shows how it doesn't matter how far he is away from her. In stanza 8 Done describes how the feet of the compass are compared to him and his lover. When he Is talking about the feet he says how â€Å"It learns and hearkens it,' And grows erect, as that comes home. † What this is saying Is that she must stay at home and Walt while he â€Å"roams† around. But when he comes home she will be excited to see him. She has to know that since their love Is like a compass they will always be connected. That one day he will come home and th at they will be back together again. In this poem,Done starts out by explaining how he Is going to have to leave and that there Is nothing his lover can do about It. He compares this to how people pass away and that they don't have the choice. He tells her that worrying will be pointless and that It will not be worth It because In the end he will return. Done uses the example of how people worry about the earth's natural occurrences and how this is a waste of time. Always stick together. No matter how far one of the feet go, it will not break apart, Just like the gold. And in the end when he has completed his Journey, he will return back to her.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The distribution of Gun making and how companies launch gun safety Essay

The distribution of Gun making and how companies launch gun safety programs - Essay Example However there has been a launch on the gun safety programs that have instigated various distribution strategies.The action program has a very effective current distribution strategy. The strategy ensures that the program will work so as to bring very significant changes in the way in which the gun industry makes its distribution of the firearms. The strategy aims at limiting the ease with which the juveniles and the criminals can obtain the guns since this is a very critical issue globally.On the other hand the strategy regulates the gun manufacturers who distribute guns through systems that are known to divert a large numbers of the guns to the illegal secondary markets. Similarly the strategy focuses on reducing the steady supply of the weapons to the criminals and the juveniles and also the circumventing of the federal and state laws that have been designed to prevent the acquisition of the guns by such individuals. The action program has the following strategies in gun distributi on ... Legislative strategies- this strategies are laid down so as to ensure that there is prevention of child access to the guns, there is restriction of the guns possession on the juveniles, there is Limitation of concealed weapons, there are requirements for the background checks on the guns and also waiting periods, there is licensing on gun owners and there are limits in purchases of the private gun. Community based prevention strategies- these strategies provides alternatives for the youths through programs such as community policing through which the distribution of the illegal firearms is directly monitored by the members of the community. This could however limit the distribution of the firearms thus providing safety to the communities. The effectiveness of the current distribution channels The current gun distribution channels make the guns available to the criminals and also the juveniles through a number of ways such as the straw purchases whereby an individual who is prohibited by the law from buying a gun has another person who completes the paperwork that is required on his behalf. (Jeff 2004) The current gun distribution channels are however very effective and they in Jeff, C. (2004): include; The corrupt dealers The straw purchases. The large volume sales The gun shows The incomplete background checks The inadequate security The unsafe designs The whistle blower revelations This reveals that there are counter marketing strategies which have been instigated so as to discourage the demand of the guns from the unwanted customers as well as discourage the sales of the guns from also the unwanted customers. The channels that are currently being used have a frame work that do not safeguard the fire arms manufacturers and the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Summary of the reading material Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Summary of the reading material - Article Example The stakeholders are now experiencing the shape of the new regulations and the resultant changes, which are about to influence the strategic imperative driving the strategy of leading hedge fund organizations (Citi Investor Services, 2014). Notably, this marks a shift of the factors driving change in the hedge fund industry. A shift in the investor base had been driving major industry evolution since the GFC until recently. Indeed, the article reckons that the emergence of large institutional investors seeking to allocate capital to hedge fund managers have been driving changes in the industry for the past five years (Citi Investor Services, 2014). These changes adopted diverse strategic imperatives as institutional investors emerged as the industry’s main source of capital (Citi Investor Services, 2014). The investors’ demands changed key structural aspects of the market. Ideally, by financing the industry with huge sums of capital within a concentrated period, institutional investors determined the behaviors of the investment managers and fostered structural changes in the industry (Citi Investor Services, 2014). However, response to regulatory changes is now the main driver of change in the industry where it creates different opportunities and challenges for the hedge fund industry. The survey establishes the reality and eminent approach of major implementation deadlines upon the industry players. The formulation and implementation of a broad and significant set of global regulations is now the dominant force of industry change. These regulations include the Volcker Rule, Dodd-Frank, EMIR, OTC derivative rules, Liikanen Proposal among other rules (Citi Investor Services, 2014). The new regulatory changes are offering new opportunities to hedge funds where they can optimize their business approach. The Volcker Rule and Liikanen Proposal has eliminated the proprietary trading talent from sell side organizations that allowed hedge funds and other

Panopticism review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Panopticism review - Essay Example The tower was to be made in such a manner that only the people operating it had the vantage view of the prisoners. The prisoners could not have any clear view of their jailers. The organization of the panopticon increased the potency of power in the minds of the prisoners and made the control of the prison more efficient. In essence, the ideals of total control of the prison facility as imagined by Foucault borrowed from the quarantines against the plague as practiced in the seventeenth century (Veyne 54). The process of quarantine involved the determination of a range of processes that maintained some strict discipline in affected villages including locking people within their houses and keeping away the keys. The nature of discipline was regulated in ways that ensured easy control of the villages by the authorities. Threats of death were used to ensure compliance. Critics contend that the panopticon was modeled on the desire by the seventeenth century societies to protect civilizations from the scourge of the plague. Others contend that the objective was aimed at achieving a perfect society. Some of the issues that continue to attend to the matters of society are largely determined by the desire by central authorities to design the codes of ethics for their subjects. Such objectives often come into conflict with the theories that reinforce the need for human freedom and liberty. Critics of panopticism argue that governments do not have the moral authority to suppress the liberties and freedoms of the governed. They add that the idea of a perfect society is illusory and defeatist in nature. As such, they seek to demonstrate ways in which the processes of governance can be moderated in ways that support the free reign of the will of the governed. Within a modern context, Foucault’s panopticism could be conceptualized in terms of the structural

Saturday, July 27, 2019

What is the Tippecanoe County Historical Association and what are some Essay

What is the Tippecanoe County Historical Association and what are some of the sites it maintains - Essay Example Credibility Statement: I have researched on the official Society website, and all the information I am going to provide to you is directly from the information that they have provided to the public. IV. Thesis Statement: The Tippecanoe Country Historical Society is an organization that helps maintain and protect the important culture of their county. They currently manage four different sites, all difference niches of the collected past of Tippecanoe County. A. â€Å"The Moses Fowler House was purchased by the Tippecanoe County Historical Association from Cecil Fowler in 1940. The association opened the house as its historical museum in 1941† as stated by the official website. 1. †In 1928, a local physician, Dr. Richard B. Wetherill acquired the land around what was believed to be the site of an early French trading post known as the Fort Ouiatenon Blockhouse (1717-1791).   In 1930, he built a 452 sq. ft. replica of the fort on this land.   The grounds lie approximately 3 miles southwest of West Lafayette on South River Road.†, as told by the official website. a) â€Å"Join us for the opening of a new display of firearms from TCHAs collection. On view initially are 51 long guns and rifles with additional examples to be added as the display is expanded. The firearms in the exhibit were manufactured between the early 19th Century and the onset of World War II, with several fine examples manufactured locally by Bixler & Iddings and Thomas Underwood. Most of the objects on display have never been show to the public. Thanks to the McAllister Foundation for providing funding for the display cases†, as advertised on the website. B. â€Å"The Library consists of books, vertical files, court books, microfilm, CD-ROMs, and has patron access to the Internet. The subject collection of books and materials focus on Tippecanoe County history.† according to the official website. I. Restatement of Thesis: The Tippecanoe Country Historical Society is an organization that

Friday, July 26, 2019

Why was the Washington consensus irresistible in Latin America Essay - 1

Why was the Washington consensus irresistible in Latin America - Essay Example ones. It came about as a result of a wave of globalisation. A number of historical occurrences had also led to the prevailing situation. This paper will trace the evolution of policy in the Latin American region in the decades prior to the consensus and during its actual adoption. The analysis will demonstrate how international banks as well as official financial institutions, politics, economic fundamentals as well as prevailing ideologies shaped the diffusion of neoliberalism in the region. Why the consensus was irresistible to Latin America The Washington Consensus took shape in the early 1990s starting with Mexico and Chile. Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Guatemala, Peru, Venezuela and Bolivia would all follow suit. Fiscal adjustment was a key component of neoliberalism in this Consensus. Several countries removed fiscal deficits through changes in subsidy and taxation policies. Government was to step aside and let the market allocate resources on its own. Additionally, privatisati on was also a crucial part of the reforms. Latin American governments were known for their heavy handedness in controlling their economies but these were privatised. Loss making in state enterprises As mentioned, Latin American governments had played a dominant role in the ownership of state enterprises. However, by the 1970s and 80s, it became evident that these enterprises were no longer making money (Gwynne, 2004). Creditors to the Latin American nations made them realise the benefit of privatising those institutions in order to make them profitable again. Since the US was one of the key lenders to Latin American countries, it soon became inevitable for these nations to privatise their institutions in order to boost the efficiency of their economies. Between 1980 and 1983, Latin America suffered from the problem of domestic debt. At the time, the countries had debt obligations to financial institutions outside the region. They were advised by the IMF to either increase their expo rts or minimise expenditure. Since these nations had a poor exporting history, many of them chose the easier option of curbing imports in their countries. This was sufficient to create a trade surplus of about $ 242.9 billion by the end of the year (Green, 2003). However, debts owed were almost close to these figures as they stood at $218.6 billion by the end of the decade. External debt as a percentage of GDP Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 2009. Imbalances of Latin American fiscal accounts. [online] Available at Accessed 18 December 2013] The graph illustrates the precarious situation in which Latin America found itself in the late 1980s. Its debts had reached unsustainable levels. In order to meet these obligations, Latin American economies somehow had to find a way of converting their trade surplus into dollars. However, because most state-owned institu tions were not generating positive rates of return, it was necessary to create avenues of accessing earnings from the private sector. These governments somehow managed to convince private investors to purchase government bonds in exchange for their currencies. Countries like Mexico and Brazil used very high interest rates to achieve these outcomes (Williamson, 1990). Essentially,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Sony Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Sony Corporation - Essay Example It manufactures CCD, LCD and other semiconductors as well. The electronic components that it makes are optical pickups, batteries, audio/video/data recording media, and data recording systems (SONY CORP, 2012). Two people, Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita started the Tokyo Tsushin Kenkyujo or Tokyo Telecommunications Research Institute in 1946 and the main aim of this company was to research and develop new products in their efforts to always bring something new to the customer’s plate and create value for the customer. The company tried to balance innovation with the consumer benefit and convenience because customer satisfaction was its top priority. With its success and expansion the title Sony Corporation came into being in 1958 and has been there since then. The word Sony was a coined by combining two Latin words, sound and sonny. Sonus signifies sound or something that is sonic while sonny means son. Sony is a short word which has the advantage of quick recall and can also be read in any language and is a sign of freedom and open-mindedness. The variety of high quality products that SONY offers makes it one of the market leaders of digital entertainment (Louwel, 2011). It is a company that banks upon the opportunities provided by innovation and new technology. It is a company that is characterized by a forward mentality and a desire to lead and be the first one to introduce something new to the customer. The competitive products and services offered by Sony give it a lasting edge over its competitors. The factors that account for Sony’s growth and success are its strategic thinking, talented people and e-commerce (Louwel, 2011). Sony operates globally in 204 countries in three continents North America, Europe and Asia. Because of its quality and innovation, SONY has achieved brand awareness and recognition over the years. Sony’s sales in 2008 were $88.7 billion and 180,500 people worked under the umbrella of Sony Corp. In the wake of the 2 008-09 economic crunch Sony experienced falling sales, 16000 jobs were lost and 6 production bases were discontinued. The prices of its raw materials and parts also increased due to which it became very difficult for SONY to maintain competitive prices (Giusti, 2009). Methodology Sony’s innovation is not restricted to its products and services only. It has also changed the way that marketing is done globally by international companies. It gives a very participative environment to employees so that they experiment and come up with new ideas, the rich corporate culture provides employees an opportunity to stay focused, and the marketing approaches adopted by the top management have helped the overall organization. The product designers are given the leverage to come up with new products that they think are fit to keep up the good name of the Sony Corporation. There is a lot of cohesion and coordination in the organization. This democratic management style has enabled the compan y to introduce premium, unique and futuristic products and this coupled with the corporate culture at Sony, gives it a sustainable competitive advantage over its competitors. Sony has not restricted itself to one marketing approach only as it is a progressive organization and has been changing its

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Disscuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Disscuse - Essay Example The first advantage of pushing for negative interest rates is an increased share of investments into country’s economy. The central bank levies taxes for depositing money and it becomes unprofitable for commerce banks and companies. As a result, they invest funds into economy itself, evoking its growth and development. So, instead of lying on deposits, the money will be in turnover. Secondly, negative interest rates will motivate commercial banks to lend more. As a consequence, households will have higher liquidity. The next chain link is a higher demand on various commodities, as the more people can afford, the more they will buy. In the end this all leads to development of industry and higher production standards. However, there is no certain evidence that introducing negative interest rates will help countries to avoid extreme inflation, deflation or economic crisis. It is relatively new and almost untested method. It was once tried in Denmark and that experiment had some positive results. Now the European Central Bank is thinking to follow this example. All in all, I suppose that negative interest rate is quite an effective way of settling and stabilizing the economy and stimulating its further growth. Speaking about its reliability, I think there is a chance that this strategy may fail. Nevertheless, if used in cooperation with other methods, it may become a real breakthrough in world’s

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Cross-cultural Training literature review ( International HRM) Essay

Cross-cultural Training literature review ( International HRM) - Essay Example Although cross-cultural study proceeded throughout the 1980s, the 1990s faced an ups and down in the account of research committed to Cross-cultural training. The increasing rate of economy globalization was one accelerator for the expanded interest in CCT. Moreover, research pointed to cross-cultural problems in the workplace has expanded in importance because researchers have been unable to find out the minor issues and to specify their research advances into an implementation. Particularly, multinational corporations (MNCs) have not yet designed many of the CCT policies that researchers present because the researches by the researchers have not completely solved the issues and the controversies lying under the goals, content, objectives of Cross culture training. The programs designed for encouraging cross culture environment is an objective to train people to live and survive in a cross culture environment. In early days, it was hard to cope up with different cultures at workplac e. Usually, people from developing countries feel depressed while working at multi cultural environment. People feel more pressure especially people from under developed countries. There was a need to cope up with the cultural difference and to treat all employees on the basis of their work and progress, rather than rating them on the basis of culture, race and religion. First study on Cross culture training was done by Brislon with the topic â€Å"Cross culture Orientation program† (Brislin, 1981). In the end of the year, other researchers realized the fact that there is more effort required to train the people to live abroad comfortably, with the passage of time, the field is now being referred as Cross culture or intercultural training worldwide. Paige (1986) described cross culture training as the program designed to prepare people to live outside their country and to work with confidence without being in the pressure of other cultures. Other researchers define cross cult ure training as the program to prepare people for the success in their jobs and to improve their interpersonal skills. The main idea of the programmers is to train people for the moment when they deal extensively with the people belongs to culture than their own. There are several training programs are in progress under different organizations and groups. These programs are influenced by experts who have great knowledge about the range of issues people face while working in the cross culture environment. These programrs do not train people only for any other country but also for their home land. In 1950’s, Oberg introduces the term â€Å"Cultural shock† describing the issues people face when they deal with people from other cultures. He described the term† Cultural shock† as a disease of people who have suddenly been transported aboard and presented as the predicated by the anxiety that results from losing all familiar signs and symbols of social intercours e. Thus, he described the term as the issues people face while moving or dealing with other cultures. The symptoms of cultural shock include both physical and physiological complaints. Physical person may feel headache, dyeria and psychological a person might feel depression. The concept of cultural shock encouraged people to provide training in this domain. The contrast American Method, taps on

Analyzing Success in the Stories of Martin Dressler and Robert Irwin Essay Example for Free

Analyzing Success in the Stories of Martin Dressler and Robert Irwin Essay When I first read Martin Dressler: The Tale of An American Dreamer, I thought it was a very inspiring book. It talked about the life of an individual whose hardwok and perseverance took him to the top of his dreams. Well, it can be inspiring in some way. Holding to your dreams and trying your best is one of the main themes of the story. However, after I finished the book, I realized that it was not as inspiring as I thought it is. For me, it is now a book that tells something about the bitter side of life and success. It exposes one of the painful things this world is trying to conceal—that success is the golden crown of an empty heart. From the story of Martin Dressler, I realized that success is not as great as what most of us think and dream of. Success is a traitor that kidnaps the people’s opportunities to be happy with the one they love. Once success has kidnapped you, it will ask for your most precious possession—your family—as its ransom. As Martin Dressler moves to the top of his ladder of success, he also moves down to the pit of his decaying family. Following his dreams was indeed an achievement for him, but it was also the same thing that leads him to a miserable family life. In my opinion, most of us share the same situation with Martin Dressler. I, myself, have also experienced to be kidnapped by success. When I started college, which I consider as one of my greatest achievements because not everyone could have the access to good education, I noticed that I was becoming too busy with my studies that I almost forgot to spend some quality time with my family. I got too blinded with the achievement that I was holding with my hand. During that time, I feared that I might lose the chance to be in college if I would not get serious with my schooling. As a result, I spent most of my time inside my room and in the library studying. Until one day, my mother asked me to have a conversation with her. From that, I learned how fast my relationship with them has changed since I went to college. I realized my mistake and from then on, I incorporated good time management to my everyday life. For me, success can never bring danger if one knows how to manage his time well. Success can never betray you if you know how to deal with it. Another thing that I noticed with the character of Martin Dressler is his great ability to make things happen. If examined, he started barely from anything. His perseverance was very admirable, especially during in his time when only the rich people could afford to put up a business like what he had. On my own opinion, though, hardwork and perseverance is not enough. One’s character is not the only thing that matters when following a dream. A person should not think that he can achieve success by relying solely on his own. He should also consider the people around him. Through building good relationships with people, one can have a better reach of his dreams. Everyone of us is a dreamer. Most of our dreams are actually an American dream. To be successful is not bad. To be on top of our achievements is not selfishness. However, I realized that if we let our dreams to be our masters, the more it is hard for us to achieve them. Our dreams are our navigator to the place where we want to be in the future. But they should never be the center of our life for we might miss the real treasure—our family. Meanwhile, another book shares almost the same things of Martin Dressler’s story—Seeing is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees, presenting the life of the American installation artist Robert Irwin. Although both characters have opposing personalities and were born in two different time frames, Martin Dressler and Robert Irwin still share the same experiences and philosophy in life. Both of their stories are a representation of a fulfilled dream—Dressler in achieving his dream of becoming a successful businessman, and Irwin in achieving his dream of finding the best field where he excels at. The two biographical writers namely Steven Millhauser and Lawrence Weschler, however, used two different approaches in portraying Dressler and Irwin. Millhauser, in his book The Tale of an American Dreamer, has included not only the beautiful and inspiring aspect of Dressler’s life but also the downside effect of the success he achieved. This was not incorporated by Weschler in presenting the life of Irwin. For me, his book simply narrates how Irwin started to have interest in the field of arts, how he became a painter, how he became inquisitive with his artistic limitations, and how he finally got his way to the field of installation art. Reading the first few pages of the book Seeing is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees, I easily got hooked into it. The first part was describing Irwin’s childhood and the people and the kind of environment that mainly influenced him. However, as I continue reading, I felt alienated in the way Weschler describing things on Irwin’s craft. Sometimes, I found myself clueless of what he was narrating. Probably it is because I have no idea at all with some of the jargons in painting and installation art. There were some words that I did not understand and required me to research about them. The book, for me, seems a little bit technical if compared to the book The Tale of an American Dreamer. Analyzing the main character’s life, though, leads me to conclude that his story is nevertheless the same as ours. In some point in our lives, we get confused on which path it is that we really will be taking. Everday, we are confronted with many choices, from the time we awake up to the time we take rest. It then makes me wonder how people make choices, specifically the right ones. What could be their criteria? In my own point of view, people make their choices by selecting the option where they would feel greater happiness or fulfillment. But depending on what kind of person you are, happiness and fulfillment is very subjective. Everyone has his own story when asked about what it is that makes him happy and fulfilled. Eventhough it is hard to agree on such an issue, I think the important thing to remember is that we fully identify and know ourselves. By knowing ourselves means knowing our needs, including our need for happiness. When we recognize this need, then I think it is easier for us to know where we can find happiness. This for me is what the book about Irwin’s life represents. He looked for his happiness by addressing his need to express his thoughts and his self. For me, the works that he did can make him feel that a portion of his self is being fulfilled. Talking about dreams, Dressler and Irwin, for me, are both portrayers of it. However, they represent dreams in two different faces: one is a dream in exchange for something, and two is a dream in search for something. It seems to me that Dressler’s American dream is crueler than Irwin’s dream. Although self- fulfilling, Dressler’s idea of success yields more on the financial aspect as compared to the psychological one that Irwin has. For me, that of Irwin’s is a degree higher than that of Dressler. As a result, both of them gained successes that are in two different aspects, too. What Dressler achieved is a financial success while Irwin attained a more personal one. Works Cited Millhauser, Steven. The Tale of an American Dreamer. New York: Vintage Books, 1997 Weschler, Lawrence. Seeing is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees. USA: University of the California Press, 1982

Monday, July 22, 2019

High school Essay Example for Free

High school Essay Education Does the perfect high school exist? Is there a school out there in which the students are all nice and responsible, every teacher enforces learning on the classroom, and the school system always makes wise decisions? No, probably not. At least, not any school I have ever heard of. There are multiple problems affecting high schools today, usually being either issues personally affecting an individual student, or issues affecting the whole school. Some examples of these problems may be: bullying, dropping out, not studying or doing homework, getting pregnant, not being taught to a full extent, financial issues, and etcetera. Like most problems, there is always a solution that we could benefit from. One of the most major issues hurting high schools today has to do with students being lazy. Teens go to school for the majority of their day, which is typically seven hours. Once they finally get home, it is safe to assume that the last thing on students’ minds is homework. They think â€Å"I have been at school allllll day! This is my time to relax; I do not want to do school work anymore! † So instead, they choose to sit down and watch Jersey Shore or log onto their Facebook accounts. In â€Å"The Liberal Arts in an Age of Info-Glut† by Todd Gitlin, he talks about comedy writer Larry Gelbart referring to media as â€Å"weapons of mass distraction. † If you think about it, this is pretty accurate. Televisions, the internet, etc are nothing but examples of distraction. Most teenagers are not responsible enough to think â€Å"I cannot watch TV right now, I have to study,† so they usually spend the rest of their night watching TV, causing a failing grade on the next day’s test. Teens in high school are not fully matured. Obviously, if they were mature, they would realize the importance of their grades as opposed the importance of who got in a fight on Jersey Shore. Due to this fact, I think we should â€Å"Let Teenagers Try Adulthood. † In this passage, Leon Botstein supports his idea to give teens a chance at adult life. As I have mentioned, teenagers are not mature enough to make decisions that will be good for their future. So why not let them graduate at the age of sixteen in order for them to understand the significance of being a responsible, mature person? Letting them graduate earlier could more than likely help students realize that it is time to grow up and take action for their lives. And maybe then, less time will be spent watching television, and more time will be spent on productive things†¦ mainly because they would not have a choice! Another major problem in high schools is the extremely high rate of students dropping out of school early. Teens drop out of school for multiple different reasons. Some leave school to escape bullying. There is always that one kid who is bullied so much, he just cannot stand it any longer. This is usually the kid in the back of the classroom, trying to stay hidden from everyone else, not doing assignments or paying attention. Scurrilous peers tend to make students want to stay at home forever, and never come back to school. Dropping out of school may be the victim’s way of getting away. Some students drop school simply because of boredom. They get tired of doing the same thing, every day. They feel as though they are not getting anything from it. In David S. Broder’s â€Å"A Model for High Schools,† he states that â€Å"Too many students are dropping out of high school, bored or dissatisfied with what it offers. † Throughout my three years of high school, I have seen numerous issues arise. Due to these many issues, personally, I do not like high school a bit. The problem most chronic would definitely have to be teen pregnancy. I remember during my freshman year, there were about twenty different young girls roaming the halls with a baby bump. During my sophomore year, there were twelve. The majority of the young women in high school that are getting pregnant end up dropping out and totally ignoring their education in order to raise their child. Those who do not drop out still have to miss tons of days due to their pregnancy and child birth†¦ which means, these students will get very far behind in their work, and will have to catch up on their own. Now, I am not saying that these girls should not raise their children, or that they do not have a reason to be absent frequently, I am simply saying this: Do not get pregnant in the first place! Education should always come first. Once they miss that month of school, it is going to be extremely difficult for them to catch up on their work. Because of this, most students will just give up and drop out. No one wants to be stupid, have a child at 16, and have to work at McDonald’s just to buy diapers and a box of Cheerios! Although there are still many issues arising in high schools all throughout America, these are more than likely the worst. Laziness and irresponsibility, dropping out, and getting pregnant can all cause students to end up with no education whatsoever, and lead them to a life of serving customers at the local Wal-Mart.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Flight Control System Using Zigbee Wireless Sensors Engineering Essay

Flight Control System Using Zigbee Wireless Sensors Engineering Essay Abstract- This paper presents the future concept of flight control systems that is named as Fly-By-Sensors (FBS) flight control system. It can be used for controlling and monitoring of an in-flight functions, taking off and landing, voice communication etc. and can be employed on any kind of air vehicle including Unmanned Air Vehicles, Quad rotor, Aerial Vehicles, Drones, Jet air craft, commercial air craft etc. Nowadays, a fly-by-wire (FBW) flight control system of Air vehicles is employed for last few years in aircrafts through which the internal and external functions of aircraft are controlled and monitored by electrical signals which are transmitted and received by electrical wires. The proposed idea is based on Zigbee Wireless Sensor network that can be implemented on any air vehicle by using Zigbee Wireless Sensors that are low cost, low power, reliable and secure to control and monitor the internal and external functions of the air vehicles. The electrical signals, for contro lling and monitoring of internal and external functions of air vehicle, in Fly-By-Sensors (FBS) flight control system will be transmitted and received by using Zigbee wireless sensor network. The proposed idea will bring remarkable improvements in the field of avionics and aerospace. Keywords-component; Zigbee Wireless Sensors; FBS; FBW; flight control system of Air Vehicles. Introduction (Heading 1) The flight companies are in a struggle to reduce their air craft operational and maintenance costs, saving fuel consumption and the gross take-off-weight of the air vehicles to carry as many as useful things for civil and military purposes. In past several applications of Fly-By-Wire (FBW) flight control systems to civil aircrafts had been experienced. In FBW flight control systems the commands for controlling of the aircrafts internal and external functions are computed by the on board flight control computer on the basis of instructions by the pilot and without any mechanical linkage[1]. This resulted in the reduction of pilot workload and in general improvement of the Flying Qualities (FQ) characteristics. However the high development costs of a FBW flight control system made it unaffordable for the small aircrafts [2]. Moreover, FBW flight control system is the ability to exhibit aircraft configurations and parameters which provide increased aerodynamic efficiency, but at a cost of reduced natural stability. Moreover, this can cause instability of the aircraft at specific speeds and height conditions (or flight envelope). However, maintenance and troubleshooting of air vehicles, such as fault detection and monitoring systems of modern fly-by-wire (FBW) flight control system cannot detect faulty location accurately, so that experts can troubleshoot them in a shorter time. However, troubleshooting time depends mainly on the personnels skillfulness and experience [3]. Flight Control Systems Fly-By-Optics(FBO) flight control system FBO control system as the name implies that this kind of flight control system is based on the light signals which are transmitted through optical fibers. It uses electronic signals, transmitted through the fiber optics inside the air vehicles to control the employed electro-hydraulic actuators such as flaps, spoilers, slats, ailerons and rudder, in response to input commands. Some times, it is used because of higher transfer data rates. The data generates by the software and interpret by the controller. It is also called as fly-by-light flight control systems. Power-By-Wire (PBW) flight control system [4] Power-by-wire (PBW) is a control systems employed in some aircrafts to eliminate the bulky and heavy hydraulic circuits to replace by self contained electro-hydraulic actuators or electrical power circuits that are controlled by the digital flight control computers. Proposed Fly-By-Sensors (FBS) Flight Control System The proposed flight control system is Fly-By-Sensors (FBS) flight control system to employ on any kind of air vehicle. As the name implies this type of control system will base on latest Zigbee technology which is low cost, low power consumption and short distance wireless communication technology that is developed for wireless personal area network (WPAN) [5]. By using this technology, the reduction in high cost in the manufacturing of electrical wires, gross take off weight of the air vehicles, fast detection of faulty equipment, landing and taking off of the air craft on auto pilot function of the aircraft, safety, security and so on, can be achieved. Zigbee Wireless Technology ZigBee is similar to IEEE 802.15.4 protocol, which is a one of the latest research in the field of communications in short distance wireless communication technology. Its main advantages are low-power, short-distance, low-complexity, self organization, low-speed, low-cost, and so on. It is widely using as monitoring and controlling devices in many fields. It is suitable for low data-rate and low power consumption applications [6]. Figure : Difference of other wireless network standards with Zigbee Network standards (Source: Zigbee Characteristics The IEEE 802.15.4 or Zigbee standard includes the features of low power consumption that is needed just for two major modes (Tx/Rx or Sleep), high density of nodes per network, low costs and simple installation of devices. Following are some more features for Zigbee: It operates on radio bands of 2.4GHz in this high band is used in most of the jurisdictions of world wide, 868/915 MHz, this lower band in the areas of North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. High density of network nodes which is up to 65,000 network nodes. Low in cost, complexity power consumption as compared to competing technologies. Data rates ranges are 250Kbps for 2.45GHz, 40 Kbps for 915MHz and 20Kbps for 868MHz band. Handshaking and 3 Frequencies bands with 27 channels. Extremely low duty-cycle ( Star, cluster tree and mesh topologies can be used in Zigbee technology with the devices named as network coordinators, routers and end devices. Figure Zigbee Devices Characteristics Zigbee Wireless Network used for landing of aircraft Zigbee technology has been used for landing of the Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) and tested. The results showed that the recognition rate is over 90%, and the calculated error of position in landing of the UAV is less than 3m with 5000m distance and 0.2m with a measure of 500m distance. [7]. Figure Landing of UAV through Zigbee Wireless Sensors Networks [7]. As the Figure 3 shows the landing of UAV by using Zigbee sensors so we propose that Zigbee devices can also be used to control the aircrafts or UAVs for taking off purposes too so that the function of auto pilot can be used in an unfavorable climate conditions for safety and security purposes. Figure Proposed Future Concept of Taking off of the Aircraft through Zigbee Sensors Proposed Fly-By-Sensors (FBS) over Fly-By-Wire (FBW) flight control System In FBW flight control system, as the all electrical signals to Electro Hydraulic Actuators, Aileron, flap, rudder etc. are transmitted through wires. So the cost and weight of electrical wires limits the FBW control system to the commercial aircrafts only. Moreover, maintenance and troubleshooting of the faulty electrical wires consumes time and cost. The Safety and security of FBW flight control system is costly and non reliable for long term usage. Whereas, FBS flight control system will have the following advantages over FBW or PBW: It will be cheaper to use Zigbee technology than using electrical wires as it will costs almost 80% more than using the wireless sensors. The low power feature of Zigbee wireless sensors makes it to use for years without rechargeable batteries. The operating radio frequency is license free that is 2.4GHz with 16 channels FBS control system will provide the safe monitoring system for controlling the aileron, rudder, electro hydraulic actuators etc. The Zigbee wireless sensor can also provide the Voice communication between pilot and co-pilot and the remaining staff for commercial aircrafts. The promising features of Zigbee technology will improve the reliability in the in-flight fault diagnostics and identification (FDI) as well as fault-tolerant control (FTC). By using Zigbee wireless sensors we will achieve the remarkable decrease in weight of the aircraft that will also help in more stability of the aircraft. At the result, there will be increase the number of passengers, goods or any material for transport purposes etc. Proposed Fly-By-Sensors (FBS) Flight Control Systems Block Diagram Structure Figure Block Diagram of proposed FBS flight Control Systems As Figure 5 shows the commands from the Pilot or from the Autopilot function of the aircraft will transmit by Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network through the on board computer on the aircraft. This technology will also be used for voice communication and other communications purposes in aircrafts. Conclusion The proposed idea of Fly-By-Sensors (FBS) flight control system by using Zigbee Wireless Sensors will be better than Fly-By-Wire (FBW) if it will be employed on the air vehicles. Specifically the decrease in weight, manufacturing cost, maintenance costs, troubleshooting time, power consumption, fuel consumption and increase in stability, reliability, safety, security etc. will bring the remarkable benefits to the aircraft industry. Acknowledgment The research work was supported and assisted by University College of Engineering Technology, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

About Health Care :: essays research papers

ABOUT HEALTH CARE I think there are many causes which have permitted in the last years increase people ´s life expectancy. I consider people are living longer thanks to government policies on public ´s health and due in most part to the great medical and technological advances that have been made in the last decades. Cures and immunizations against many diseases have been found. Research has provided valuable information about the human body and the human mind. Even "miracle" medicines have saved a lot of lives and there are new methods that have been developed to prevent and cure diseases that were unknown and unconceivable some years ago. There are still unanswered questions and unsolved problems, but researchers, doctors, biologists, public health employees and many others are working to answer and solve these questions and problems. No one of us knows how long will it take to find a cure for cancer diseases or a solution to prevent heart diseases, for example; but I think scientists are closer to find a solution. On the other hand, I consider this achievement in people ´s health is partly a result of the activity of many private and public organizations in health all over the world, who have established policies and priorities in order to create personal and environmental health programms, pollution control, policies related to chronic and infectious diseases, a smoke-free society and people ´s education. Finally, I think many important things have been done in medical science which have contributed to people ´s health, so now the live longer than in past times. In many ways, people of all ages and in every race have better health.

Personal Narrative- Staying Young Forever :: Personal Narrative Essays

Personal Narrative- Staying Young Forever It all begins with the famous phrase, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" As children, we think the words "growing up" mean becoming like mom and dad. It means having a job, being able to cook dinner, and knowing how to pay bills. We are too young to understand the real concept behind those two dreadful words. If only someone had told me the truth, I could have prepared for the shock. I hate growing up, and getting older really stinks! The phases of growing up are like a date gone wrong. They start off real nice and eventually smack you in the face. I remember back in kindergarten when there used to be nap time. Oh how I took it for granted! I'm not even sure if I know what the word "sleep" means now. And if school couldn't get more difficult over the years, someone came along and decided we needed to learn languages other than English. As if my English wasn't bad enough, now I have to learn how to speak in gibberish. Growing up causes the "unthinkable" to happen. When I was little, I really should have taken advantage of pure skin, no wrinkles, and the phrase "eat your vegetables." Now, I have to use Clearasil, undereye cream, and drink Slim-Fast! What could possibly be good about becoming old, fat, ugly, and bald? I used to have energy, but now I have to drink caffeine to wake myself up. It used to be that when I went to get my hair cut, my stylist would say, "Look how shiny and thick your hair is." Now I hear, "Okay, what should we try today to give your hair some volume?" Not to mention that we women have the privilege of losing our figures, becoming less attractive, and receiving lumps of cellulite in our backside. That's when we must say, "Goodbye bikinis!" Growing up brings more responsibilities. It used to be that my mom would come in my room every morning and say, "Time to get up!" Now I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock going "beep, beep," and my mom in the next room sawing logs. Just when I thought this was bad, it never occurred to me that at the age of twelve I would eventually have to get something called a "job".

Friday, July 19, 2019

Resurrection and Rebirth in A Tale of Two Cities Essay -- essays resea

A Tale of Two Cities By Charles Dickens The idea of resurrection and rebirth pervades in this novel. How does Dickens use this theme? Do these themes of resurrection and self sacrifice and the setting of the French Revolution have anything to do with one another? Why is this the time and place of the novel? Brief Historical Background The novel, A Tale of Two Cities, takes place during the onset of the French Revolution, which shook the Western world with its violence and new ideas on freedom and the aristocracy. It was a period of major political and social change in the political history of both France and Europe during which the French governmental structure took on the Enlightenment’s ideals democracy, citizenship, and inalienable rights. These changes were accompanied by violent turmoil, which horrified most of the world, including mass executions and repression during what we now know as the Reign of Terror, and warfare involving every other major European power, particularly England. The French Revolution is considered to have begun around 1789 and ended around 1799. However, the repercussions of such a change carried over in France for the next 75 years. During that time, France experienced much political turmoil, experiencing different forms of governance including a republic, a dictatorship, a constitutional monarchy and an empire. Brief Author Background and Development of Novel Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth, England in 1812. He grew up in a poor family as one of eight children. His troublesome childhood proved to be the inspiration behind such stories as Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, and David Copperfield. Dickens’s writing is characterized by social criticism of the times and is often sympathe... ...ich, although on a superficial level, is nothing like the plight of France. However, with a deeper reading, the two are remarkably similar. Carton was a man plagued by feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy. His feelings were momentarily allayed when he fell in love with Lucie Manette, as she made him feel that his life wasn’t entirely worthless. This was the beginning of Carton’s personal journey to make his life something he valued. His previously stoic and pessimistic character was showed in a more human light, and his character continued to make progress in revealing the true nature of Carton. His journey ended with his sacrifice of his life for the lives of the couple, and it affirmed his worth has a person, while reassuring him of the value of his life and deed, comparing what he did greater and more superior than anything that he has ever known in his life. Resurrection and Rebirth in A Tale of Two Cities Essay -- essays resea A Tale of Two Cities By Charles Dickens The idea of resurrection and rebirth pervades in this novel. How does Dickens use this theme? Do these themes of resurrection and self sacrifice and the setting of the French Revolution have anything to do with one another? Why is this the time and place of the novel? Brief Historical Background The novel, A Tale of Two Cities, takes place during the onset of the French Revolution, which shook the Western world with its violence and new ideas on freedom and the aristocracy. It was a period of major political and social change in the political history of both France and Europe during which the French governmental structure took on the Enlightenment’s ideals democracy, citizenship, and inalienable rights. These changes were accompanied by violent turmoil, which horrified most of the world, including mass executions and repression during what we now know as the Reign of Terror, and warfare involving every other major European power, particularly England. The French Revolution is considered to have begun around 1789 and ended around 1799. However, the repercussions of such a change carried over in France for the next 75 years. During that time, France experienced much political turmoil, experiencing different forms of governance including a republic, a dictatorship, a constitutional monarchy and an empire. Brief Author Background and Development of Novel Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth, England in 1812. He grew up in a poor family as one of eight children. His troublesome childhood proved to be the inspiration behind such stories as Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, and David Copperfield. Dickens’s writing is characterized by social criticism of the times and is often sympathe... ...ich, although on a superficial level, is nothing like the plight of France. However, with a deeper reading, the two are remarkably similar. Carton was a man plagued by feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy. His feelings were momentarily allayed when he fell in love with Lucie Manette, as she made him feel that his life wasn’t entirely worthless. This was the beginning of Carton’s personal journey to make his life something he valued. His previously stoic and pessimistic character was showed in a more human light, and his character continued to make progress in revealing the true nature of Carton. His journey ended with his sacrifice of his life for the lives of the couple, and it affirmed his worth has a person, while reassuring him of the value of his life and deed, comparing what he did greater and more superior than anything that he has ever known in his life.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

It strategy vs business strategy Essay

In most organizations IT expenditure is considered as one of the larger if not the largest contributor to capital investment and expenditure. Technology has a significant effect on the business landscape of most organizations and the market place they operate in. The goal of IT as such should be directed toward the alignment of IT strategy with an organization’s overall business strategy (Mulcay, 2001). It is argued though that the inability to successfully derive value from IT investment is, for the most part due to a lack of alignment between IT and business strategies. Johnson and Scholes cited by Riley (2012) define strategy as follows â€Å"Strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long-term: which achieves advantage for the organization through its configuration of resources within a challenging environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfill stakeholder expectations†. In unpacking the definition, simply the business strategy that the business has decided to follow needs accurate configuration of resource – human resource, technology resource, financial resource etc., so as to gain competitive advantage, meet objectives and stakeholder expectation. Henderson & Venkatraman (1999) argue that there is no IT application or system, regardless of how cutting edge or sophisticated it maybe, that will build and sustain a competitive advantage for an organization for a sustained period of time. Organizations, in order to sustain competitive advantage should continuously endeavor to exploit it’s IT functionality and resource to maintain an advantage. In my opinion this is achieved by out of the box, evolutionary thinking by both business and IT leaders. Furthermore, both business and IT leaders need to understand fully the role that IT can support and re-shape business strategy decisions and improve IT effectiveness and ultimately improve business performance. SHOULD A COMPANY’S IT STRATEGY FOLLOW ITS BUSINESS STRATEGY OR SHOULD IT LEAD ITS BUSINESS STRATEGY? WHY In my opinion IT is vary rarely the core business unless of course we mention Microsoft or Google and the like where technology is the primary focus area  but it must noted that the actual business process for each is different and intellectual property is what is regarded most valuable. Hence, I agree with (Abate 2009, Henderson & Venkatraman 1999, Skriletz 2013) and many other researchers and commentators, that IT’s role should be regarded as the enabler or driver of the business strategy. IT’s strategy, investment; architecture even projects all need be dictated by overall business strategy, but should be part of process that helps the formation of the overall strategy. IT leaders need to possess the knowledge of new enabling technologies and how these technologies can be integrated into the business. Very often the business strategy is formed and developed in isolation and IT is seen as a support function only, rather than as function that can contribute to forming the strategy itself. IT leaders need to be part of the process that delivers the direction the business chooses to follow. Luftman & Brier (1999) echo this sentiment in that just as HR and marketing are important parts of strategy so to should IT. Venkatraman and Henderson (2000) assert that business strategists cannot be seen to take the leading role whilst the IT strategist is seen as a support role. It is imperative both take the lead in designing the business platform. â€Å"Business and IT strategists working together to shape new business; IT is not subordinate to business strategy but an extricate part of it†. FACTORS TO CONSIDER Technology is seen as one of key elements that drive change and transformation. Intelligent use of technology can deliver a competitive advantage, streamline processes create cost efficiencies and optimization for most organizations and as organizations strive for these competitive advantages and efficiencies it would really not be prudent to exclude the technology people from the process of strategy development as those organizations that do include them, will certainly claim the competitive edge and advantage. â€Å"Regardless of what industry you’re in, it’s hard to think about a business  that couldn’t exploit IT for competitive advantage if they chose to,† says Barbara Gomolski, an analyst at Gartner cited in an article by Moore (2011). The industries that have seen growth by aligning IT and business strategy and have used it as a driver and an enabler include the airline industry that has leveraged IT and now allows customers to book directly with carriers rather than involving third party agents. The banking industry has really embraced technology with the likes of online banking and transactions, which show true alignment and involvement of IT in business strategy and goal setting. Technology drives their growth. The sentiment shared and one that I agree with is that by including IT in the formulation of business strategy will certainly assist the organization in achieving its goals. The exploitation of technology as a means is key and if you don’t necessarily feel that, then I guarantee IT is treated as being outside of the core business strategy and as a result the organization is not deriving value from one of it’s most if not the most valuable resources. References Venkatraman N & Henderson JC. 2000: Business platforms for the 21st Century, in Mastering Information Management, edited by DA Marchand, TH Davenport & T Dickson. Great Britain: Prentice Hall: 283-289 Mulcay K. 2001: The IT Dilemma. World Trade, 14(4): 48-48. Henderson JC & Venkatraman N. 1999: Strategic Alignment: Leveraging information technology for transforming organisations. IBM Systems Journal, 38(2&3): 472-484. Luftman J & Brier T. 1999: Achieving and Sustaining Business-IT alignment. California Management Review, 42(1): 109-122. Abate R, (2008) IT should be an enabler to business [Available online at] http://www.information-managem e (Accessed 18 June 2014) Skriletz R (2013) How to make IT a business enabler [Available online at] (Accessed 18 June 2014) Moore J (2011) Make It part of your Business Strategy [Available online at ] (Accessed 18 June 2014) Riley J, (2012) What is strategy [Available online at] (Accessed 18 June 2014)

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Architectural & BIM Technology

Architectural & A BIM Techno(prenominal)ogyExecutive mall-upThe to a lower householdmentioned create verbally document is based on the training of St fecal matters college Waterford metropolis. A brief accounting entry bequeath for present the reader to the plants being carried come in in the maturation itself. A background on the history of the college construction is carried out and from here the principal reasoned issues that get out originate in such a labour support be outlined and tierce of these issues volition be examined in more item. These issues depart be be later oning with regard to conservation & A protect constructions, health & A synthetic rubber and pin downual differences. At the terminal of the chew everyplace a brooding acquisition plot of land will be written to stage what the writer has learned during this mathematical process.IntroductionThe undermentioned topic is based on the phylogeny that will take topographical point at St canfuls college Waterford metropolis. The con will foremost place the headman well-grounded issues that could originate in such a development and secondly critically banknote these ratified issues. Not all of the chief legal countries will be looked into plainly all these countries will be listened in the leg below. From this subdivision three legal issues will be chosen and analysed in greater deepness from an spiriter & A architectural technicians point of position. The development that is taking topographic point is financed by the resolve lodging association. The chief keep downors for the plants to be carried out are Mythen twist. The development will include the undermentioned, a lavish restoral of the college construction which will include 21 gathered flats on with a twenty-four hours ticker for aged people. An extra 36 unfermented construct one sleeping inhabit flats will be constructed on commit analogue to the folly route. 1 Main legal issues Planing with regard to preservation & A protected constructionsBoundaries & A easementsOn site squinchs wadual differencesHealth & A recourseTendering issuesDuty of attentionThe three issues that will be analysed in greater deepness will be be aftering with regard to preservation & A protected constructions, health & A preventive and contractual differences.St Johns college backgroundSt Johns College site is located at legerdemains hill, Richardson folly, Waterford metropolis ( fig.3 ) . Harmonizing to the national stock up list of architectural heritage the build was constructed between the old ages 1865-1875. The college was passe-partoutly knowing by purporter George Goldie 2 . The intention of the grammatical construction stool be slackly termed the Gothic resurgence manner ( fig. 4 ) . The construction is listed as protected constructions ( reg. no. 22830069 ) 3 while the entryway along Johns hill ( fig.5 ) is besides listed as a protected construc tion ( reg. no. 22830075 ) 4 . A full description of nigh(prenominal) these protected constructions ignore be give on the national stock list of architectural heritage web site. The current usage of the edifice was a theological college and this was the caseful up until 1990s when the edifice was closed imputable to a decrease in career 5 . The edifice has been left unoccupied now for a propose of old ages. In 2007 the respond lodging association in coalition with local authoritiess, communities and the section of environment purchased the college edifice and a part of the environing land with the exercise of lodging for the aged strategy 6 .Planing leave for protected constructionsIn order for the development to derive be aftering permission the developer will deliver to plan computer programmes that are in conformity with the Waterford metropolis council development program 2013 and the intend and development act 2000. This is due to the college edifice being listed as a protected construction ( reg. no. 22830069 ) . forward either planning permission can be received a full architectural heritage impact estimate and an expert adviser survey mustiness be carried out by a preservation specializer that records the architectural pregnant of the college and recommendations for preservation.The chief elements of plants to the protected constructions will be the fix and renovation of the college edifice. Prior to the stolon of any plants or fixs and refurbishments a written specification of plants and a works method statement should be submitted to the Waterford metropolis council for agreement in relation to the protected construction. only plants carried out in relation to the protected construction should be carried out in conformity with the best pattern preservation methodological analysiss the heritage councils published advice on rules of good pattern in committal of architectural heritage, these are as follows 7 Avoidance o f unneeded plants.Repair instead than permutation of deteriorated or damaged characteristics.Minimal intercession.Reversibility.Use figers and applied scientists clever in edifice preservation.In the planning and development act 2000 protected constructions are cover under portion IV subdivision 58 which states the followersEach owner and each occupier shall, to the extent unvarying with the rights and duties originating out of their several involvements in a protected construction or a proposed protected construction, guarantee that the construction, or any component of it which contributes to its particular architectural, historical, archeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, societal or proficient involvement, is non endangered. 8 With these judicial admissions being addressed and adhered to be aftering permission will hold a greater opportunity of being approved by the Waterford county council.Health and arcticThe plants carried out for this edifice will hold to fol low with the caoutchouc, health and in the public eye(predicate) assistance at plants ordinances 2013. These ordinances give counsel on the proper processs that must be in topographic point before and during expression. kickoff the client must name a undertaking executive program for both the design procedure and the create phase. The client can be self- plant if competent to restrain about the responsibilities involved. These man-to-mans must be appoint before or at the design procedure phase and the beginning of the construction phase. The client should besides be fair satisfied that the individuals allocated will hold the resources to change that individual to execute the responsibilities posed under these ordinance before the beginning of plants. 9 Health and safe device programThis program gives the asserters command for the product line and those working on site the safety issues specific to the undertaking. The program can be divided into cardinal subdivision s the pre-tender program and the think program.The pre-tender program should be orgainsed by the undertaking supervisor that will be prescribed to the undertaking. This program should be prepared any bit shortly as manageable when the undertaking is conceived and submitted as portion of the sealing wax certification. This program should besides put out all of the important safety hazards associated with the undertaking, thusly permiting the contractor to develop wellness and safety processs and systems for the undertaking. The Pre-tender program should incorporate the followers education such as the completion mean solar day of the month, site training, conditions and current usage etc.Foreseeable wellness and safety hazards in the design.The mental synthesis methods recommended by the interior decorator.Any extra information the planning supervisor believes the contractors should be made awake of to digest the safety of workers.From here the chief contractor will be appoin ted and will go at that place duty to develop the program farther into its concluding signifier. The client must so guarantee that this concluding program is highly-developed to a high degree to allow create plants to get stilt. The concluding program should incorporate the followersThe wellness and safety mode regulations and processs developed for the site.The safety direction construction developed for the undertaking.Any issues the contractor whitethorn raise in hazard estimation prepared in conformity with the safety, wellness and public assistance at plants ordinances 2013.Rules for inadvertence conformity with the program.Health and safety fileThe planning supervisor has the duty of fixing a wellness and safety file for all constructions that control the building undertaking. This file should incorporate the information on the construction design, building and how the edifice will be used by the residents. The followers should be in the absolute wellness and safety fi leDetailss of the building method and stuffs.A record of drawings and programs used passim the extremity of building.Detailss on the location and temper of public-service corporations and services.Detailss of equipment and care installations.Any information from the wellness and safety program that would be relevant for future undertakings.This file is to be made on hand(predicate) for review by any individual e.g. sub-contractors who may necessitate it to follow with their statutory responsibilities or to any individual geting an involvement in the premises by the client. pay offual differencesOn too large building undertakings contractual differences can often originate, this has become more common topographic point over the last figure of old ages due to the economic down bend. Construction undertaking participants are non voluntary or able to compromise and utilise hard currency to smooth over unsmooth musca volitanss hence differences educate and finally must be sing le-minded in the legal system. For the intent of this study two countries of contractual differences will be examined in deepness, adjoin of plants and building defects.Scope of plantsA crease of plants is outlined by the building contract between the owner/client and the contractor. both contractors involved in a building undertaking have a lam of plants, the sub-contractors range of plants are contractually defined but different from the chief contractors. The range of plants set out by the owner should be really explicitly defined due to contractors non being contractually get to execute plants that are beyond the contractual range of plants. Harmonizing to the RIAI Standard Form of slewFor the consideration hereinafter mentioned the Contractor will upon and subject to the Conditions annexed hereto execute and subtlety the Works shown upon the Contract Drawings and/or draw in the Specification, Bills of Quantities and Conditions all of which together with this taking into custody are hereafter referred to as the Contract DocumentsaY 10 .In the event where the owner issues a alteration of order to the master key range of work, this may be considered a breach of contract and can let the contractors to halt plant until both parties reach an understanding sing the alteration or wasted plants that fall beyond the original contractual range of plants.In the illustration of programs and specifications, differences can originate between the proprietor, contractors and design professionals when they interpret paperss otherwise, particularly when the description of plants in programs and specifications are ill-defined or equivocal. The proprietor has the implied guarantee that the programs and specifications are right, accurate and buildable. 11 Construction defectsConstruction defects can originate at two times, the first being during the building procedure while the 2nd being a good trade of clip after the building is finished, this is known as lat ent defects.Over the class of the building period the proprietor may place excess plants in the case of defects that is either non in the original range of plants or non in conformity with the programs and specifications. A difference arises when the contractors do non hold with the owners affirmation of the faulty building. The contractors by and large allow the proprietor to order the replacing or fix of the faulty work. The contractors will so hold a claim against the proprietor at the terminal of the undertaking in the event that the contractors had conformed to the programs and specifications they received. The chance of this go oning during the building works at St Johns College is really prevailing as the edifice is really old and has non been occupied for some clip and some defects may non be evident during the first reviews of the edifice. In this instance it is the authors sentiment that a clause should be stipulated in the contract with the chief contractor that a auth orized sum of money should be held in keeping as a forethought against any defects that may originate during the building procedure.A latent defect can be defined as building defects that are non readily evident or ascertainable during an review of the completed plants. A building contract should include a latent defects clause so the proprietor of the belongings has a certain sum of clip to foreground a building defect. In the event when the clip chuck in this latent clause expires the proprietor may still do the contractor accountable for the building defects. This can be when the contractor is in breach of contract or in a instance of responsibility of attention under muddiness jurisprudence. 12 Brooding acquisitionBibliographyBooksJohn Scriven, etel ( 1999 ) .a contractual usher to major building undertakings. capital of the United Kingdom Sweet & A Maxwell.John Uff ( 1996 ) .Construction jurisprudence. 6th erectile dysfunction. London Sweet & A Maxwell.Susan Fink ( 1997 ) .Health and safety jurisprudence for the building industry. London doubting Thomas Telford.Web sites1870 St. Johns College, Waterford. open hypertext deputeral communications protocol // . destination accessed 13/03/2015.Amelia Sorohan.Latent defects key issues( 2012 ) . Available hypertext interchange protocol // brook accessed 15/03/2015.Architectural heritage protection( 2011 ) . Available hypertext raptus protocol // kick the bucket accessed 10/03/2015.Construction Contract Terminology( 2010 ).Available hypertext transfer protocol // range. Last accessed 15/03/2015.First kindly Housing Scheme Funded with Private adoption from AIB.Available hypertext transfer protocol // l-housing-scheme-funded-private-borrowing-aib/ . Last accessed 11/03/2015.Marilyn Klinger. ( 2009 ) .Confronting Construction Conflicts.Available hypertext transfer protocol // Last accessed 13/03/2015.Main Record County Waterford.Available hypertext transfer protocol // type=record & A county=WAno=22830075. Last accessed 10/03/2015.Pull offing wellness and safety in building( 2007 ).Available hypertext transfer protocol // Last accessed 15/03/2015.Protected constructions.( 2011 ) . Available hypertext transfer protocol // Last accessed 10/03/2015.Public Works Contract for edifice plants( 2014 ) . Available hypertext transfer protocol // s/PW-CF1_Contract.pdf. Last accessed 10/03/2015.Safety, wellness and public assistance at work ( building ) ordinances 2013.( 2013 ) . Available hypertext transfer protocol // jurisprudence/New_Legislation/SI_291_2013.pdf. Last accessed 13/03/2015.Saint John s College, Richardson s Folly, Waterford, County Waterford.Available hypertext transfer protocol // type=record & A county=WAno=22830069. Last accessed 11/03/2015.St Johns College, Waterford.Available hypertext transfer protocol // ( 2014 ) . Last accessed 11/03/2015.1

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

Dickens is using figures of long speech to make pictures in the readers head and he is therefore helping people imagine the things he is telling about. One would say how that Dickens is using metaphors to put a picture on his short story and to make sure everyone feels how awful and terrible industrial Coketown is. â€Å"Coketown was a town of red brick, or of brick that would how have been red if the smoke and white ashes had allowed it; but, as matters stood it was a little town of unnatural red and black such like the painted face of a savage.He also uses the thk same word again and same again to make his photographic negative impression of the factory clear.By 1857, Charles little Dickens had been among the most well-known guys on earth.In precisely the oral same vein, writing your own extravagant eulogy will allow you to jumpstart wired and maintain positive shift in apply your life by establishing a very clear detailed blueprint for the life you would great love to lead, w hat you last wish to do, which type of first person you aspire to be, logical and the way you would love to be remembered.In reality, Scrooge moral ought to be viewed among the amazing literary character mathematical models for private shift.

You might then wind up getting a terrific short story in the place of a mediocre or even awful novel.You choose the chinese characters and the way you free will describe them.My preferred character is Kendra because shes easy going the additional mile to be certain how her client gets the not guilty verdict.Regarding what he is currently attempting to provide in her historical novel she goes a long only way toward trying to demonstrate her views keyword with the use of speech.

The book is somewhat slow by modern standards, but its so hilarious.A book was new born from the impetus.For the choice is to how find the movie.The book is small for explanations.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

What Are the Qualities That an Ideal Person Should Cultivate?

What be the qualities that an specimen nearlybody should cultivate, consume, and expend retain to Confucius? 1. insertion In this paper, I volition question what qualities should be cultivated, possessed, and undecomposed for an n unmatchable much(prenominal) aroundbody harmonize to Confucius. Although Confucius regards hu hu for prominent cosmoss macrocosmsness, wisdom, and fearlessness as the prefatorial 2fold towards be a junzi ( capital valet de chambre/ standard aim, ), in that location has been an ongoing bill among savants regarding the qualities that atomic number 18 unavoidable to fashion an standard sense or a junzi.I sh whatever discover my calculate by prime(prenominal) gear providing a base nether arouse of selective cultivation on the motif, then(prenominal) come ining ii strange renderings of the qualities that be homosexual organismsdatory by Hosung Ahn and Ha Poong Kim, adding my witness slender soluti on, and in conclusion pass my fortitude victimisation Antonio S. Cuas yieldation on the effect. I testament affair Confucian analects (1895) by pile Legge as my firsthand source, on with Junzi as a sadal somebody A ego mental commentary of the analecta (Ahn, 2008), Confuciuss artistic pattern of fearful creation beyond Moralism (Ha, 2006), and Virtues of Junzi (Cua, 2007) as my secondary coil sources. . reason data harmonize to Chinese customs, Confucius is adept of the roughly dandy believeer, administrational figure, educator, philosopher, and the break a dash of the Ru (? ) give instruction of Chinese thought. Our text editionual read The eastern Paths to philosophical egotism-Enlightenment An entry mode to eastern Philosophies (2002) compose by prof Phan halts come let on that Confuciuss thoughts be preserve in the Lunyu ( ) or the analecta, which is angiotensin-converting enzyme of the quaternity intensity of accounts. It is reve whatever(prenominal)ay noning that the analects was non prep be verb whollyy by repress Kong Zi (Confucius, him egotism, ex bitly complied by his mingy disciples when they recollected his verbalisms aft(prenominal) Confuciuss goal. be by Stanford encyclopedia of Philosophy, Confuciuss instructs create the pes on al near of posterior Chinese speculation on the tuition and charge of the junzi ( ), and how much(prenominal) an mortal should conk expose his sustenance, move with early(a)wises, and the types of society and government in which he should participate. On maven hand, in 1420, the insure said, The authority of the higher-ranking adult male is tercefold, scarcely I am non friction match to it.Virtuous, he is assuage from anxieties wise, he is stop from perplexities honorable-d take in he is throw in from fear. fleck on the sensitive(prenominal)(a) hand, scholarly individuals wealthy singular act to visualize th e qualities of junzi antithetically. In the con land arrangeinous section, I sh alin concert discover the contrast recitals of Ahn and Kim. 3. prototypic adaptation by Hosung Ahn A. range on Confucianism and mental Con nonations of Junzi In Ahns article, he provides historic accent data on Confucianism creation the intimately in force(p) ideo lucid instrument of me smashval and in advance(p) imperious governments in chinaw ar and Korea (Ahn, 2008).Yet, Ahn argues that in the business line of quoting weber (1968), Confucianism and Daoism could non be introduced into neo capitalist economy delinquent to their thisworldliness. Ahn depicts Confucianism as peerless of the major(ip) hindrances in the course toward modernisation and industrial enterprise and considers Confucius as a stampated and hardlyt adeptd-up moralist whose h unitaryst codes were oppressive. By introducing Heinz Kohut, an Austrian-born Ameri so-and-so psychoanalyst, Ahn comp atomic num ber 18s Kohutian depth psychology much(prenominal) as egotism-psychology with Confucianisms exaltation soulfulness in the analecta.Ahn provides the sancti nonp argonild place setting cultivation in the usage of identifying Confucianism as universe incomplete school nor systematized to that extent, Ahn suggests that the analects could be taken as a pre- psychoanalytic self-importance-psychology owe to the lush self mental insights in the analecta. Ahn at that placefore(prenominal) defines junzi as a prince literally and a military some iodinnel ordinarily, and that in Confucianism, a junzi is a solemn individual who enterprises to earn Confucian primeval moral excellences in cover piece relationships at to each one cost.A junzi has oft measures been considered a con pull ining or a conservative (Ahn, 2008). Furthermore, Ahn earths that Confucianism universe effected as an h unitaryst and policy-making orthodoxy in Korea was a in tractile and potentate formalistic, and of which courtesy, religious rites, and kindss were the profound standards of world a junzi (see dislike 2002). B. Ahns dissertation In this article, Ahn (2008) specifically sharpens break that a junzi is a sadal soul in the Kohutian mformer(a) wit. melodic compositionage a sadal mortal, a junzi reviews his or her imaginationls with set deep anchored in wizardself purge at the write off of wizards death. Ahn thinks the most intimate standards of being a junzi argon courtesy and religious rites he states that, Confucius himself soberly criticizes the internationalized yellowish pink and luster with off the internalized type of suit (Ahn, 2008). conscionable ab turn up(p) alphaly, Ahn addresses that the gist typical of the Kohutian tragicalal mortal is more or less identically explicit in the analecta hu sliceityity (ren, ? ), which is the crowning(prenominal) legality of Confucianism and that a junzi would preferably exit than giving up his or her samples and value which Ahn refers to as strikingly like to Kohuts description of a tragic psyche.In price of Ahns rail lines for funding his say, he brings out the topic of xiaoren ( petty(a) homosexual, ) and defines it as those whose moodls and set atomic number 18 superficially set on the psyche as comp ard to junzi in the analecta (Ahn, 2008). Ahn and then identifies the divergence mingled with a xiaoren and a junzi employing Confuciuss utter, The hu creation being (junzi) is familiar(predicate) with right matchlessousness the footling hu opus being (xiaoren) is familiar(predicate) with boodle ( analects, 4. 16). Ahn points out that because a xiaoren focus on what is in effect(p) to him or her unless, he or she can non scarcely be under fire(predicate) to the outside(a) vicissitudes.Similarly, fit in to Kohut, a xiaoren would speedily and opportunistically modify his or her convictions under the charm of external pressures (cited in Ahn, 2008) whereas a junzi is determined to bring to arriveher to the technical (Way) until death (analecta, 8. 13). Ahn then considers this aim as heroism, and he quotes Kohut (1985) that The cease st disturbedness (in his death) achieved by the chock isthe net recessraint of a unwavering and life-affirming self (p. 27).Ahn en bravery analyses that Confucius has express the aforementi 1d(prenominal) idea by If a man in the dayspring hears the right way, he whitethorn evanesce in the level without regret (Analects, 4. 8). Thus, Hosung Ahn nubmarizes that a junzi, correspond to Confucius, is a mortal who countes for the execution of a psychological subtraction at all be (Ahn, 2008). In other develops, Hosung Ahn interprets that Confucius thinks the feeling an ideal psyche should cultivate, possess, and reading is the purport of achieving a psychological tax deduction or preserving his or her ideals and value at al l be. 4.Second recital by Ha Poong Kim A. punctuate on artistic apprehension of a frightful worldly concern In Kims article, he provides historic accent knowledge of the Analects being narrowly and moralistically interpret. Kim points out that Confuciuss remarks much(prenominal)(prenominal) as from the Book of Songs and medication argon ordinarily stipulation an honorable encumbrance owe to the tradition of Confuciuss key term ren ( humankind, ? ) as being an respectable term. by dint of offer a historic bottom as a foundation, Kim attempts to protract Confuciuss humanistic rendering of ren as world or the human biography.In details, Kim (2006) addresses that trance the word ren only seldom occurs in the pre-Confucian literature, it is utilise in plant much(prenominal) as the Songs and the (Book of) History, essentially as a eq word of ren. To demo that Confuciuss tenet ren for the first time as the despotic dogma of human man and that Confuciu s is the picket of the human spirit in Chinese civilization, Kim introduces and explains other meanings and definitions of ren use in other Confucius or Mencius materials.Also, Ha Poong Kim offers the flat coat information of iodine-dimensional range of a function of the Confucian junzi as a smashed moralist, a man whose distinguishing mark is just a pernickety observation of li (rites, ? ) (Kim, 2006). With all the base information and story provided by Kim, he expresses the accompaniment that some of Confuciuss aspects in the Analects ar stringently esthetical and any attempt to moralistically interpret them distorts their meanings. B. Kims dissertation Kim (2006) keeps with the normativity of Confuciuss nonion of ren, yet he argues that the ground of its normativity is rudimentaryally artistic.In financial disdain his contract, Kim applies Confuciuss teach espy peach tree in re primary(prenominal) in ren. If one chooses non to stop in ren, how can on e be considered to ingest succeed wisdom? (Analects, 41) Kim interprets this maxim as Confucius stressing the erudition of the lulu of ren as a need causality of human wisdom, which is equivalent to the sentiency of the human spirit. Kim defines this scholarship as an esthetic consciousness. Then, by with(predicate) applying Confuciuss saw To stupefy a junzi Ru ( horrible scholar, ), not a xiaoren Ru (common scholar, (Analects, 611) Kim points out the departure amongst a junzi and a xiaoren in the long run comes from the terrific mans aw beness of the apricot of ren, which the small man (xiaoren) lacks. Kim explains that since a junzi has this esthetic feeling of humanness, he course desires, loves, and delights in ren and e rattling formulation of it. For the utilization of backing up Kims take on, he states Confucius deals that by analyse the Songs, one would be vanquish bring uped, which then explains wherefore Confucius repeatedly urges his pupil s to vignette the Songs.Kim argues that Confuciuss teach is to table service the students cash in ones chips a junzi, who is a caramel brown of ren, done arousing humanness that is obtained by dint of and through the mull over of melody. In this position primary(prenominal) leaning, Kim (2006) summarizes that for Confuciuss weird awakening, specifically the artisticalal awakening to ren, is the presupposition of the command of junzi. Without this wakening, the prentice or scholar volition hold on a xiaoren Ru, no function how hearty wellhead-educated he whitethorn be in ritual subjects, and regardless of how harmless he whitethorn be in his respectable conduct. Next, Kim offers another(prenominal) primal argument that during Confuciuss long time of rove from state to state in look to of a commodity ruler, he r argonly split with his lute. Sima Qian, an old-fashioned Chinese historian, revealed that once, ring by underlying hostile armies, Confu cius and his disciples ran out of nutriment in the wild in the midst of the states of subgenus Chen and Cai. With some of his disciples locomote ill and being unable to get up, Confucius sedately act vocalizing songs and plucking his lute.Kim regards Confuciuss act as a man adequate to(p) of forgetting everything else spot reveling music. Thus, in Kims point of view, what soundly separates Confuciuss junzi from the rest of gentlemans gentleman is the junzis artistic sensitiveness to ren. In other words, Kim believes that tally to Confucius, the caliber a junzi should cultivate, possess, and fare is the esthetical awareness. Nevertheless, Kim mentions that through stressing the junzi as an aesthetic man, he is not denying a junzis many-sidedness. 5. CritiqueI deem with Hosung Ahns claim regarding junzi as a noble person who attempts to contrive out Confucian primaeval virtues, and that courtesy, rituals, humanness, and endurance are big criterions of befittin g a junzi. Moreover, I correspond with Ahns claim that a junzi would follow his or her ideals and value deeply anchored in oneself fifty-fifty at the expensed of death. However, I potently differ with Ahns opinion of Confuciuss pedagogics or his mixture of a junzi as a tragic person. In my point of view, Ahn has make an inaccurate reading of one Confuciuss saying from the Analects.In 48, Confucius teaches that If a man in the first light hear(s) the right way, he whitethorn intermit in the even out without regret. Ahn interprets this saying as Confuciuss advocating of a junzi who moldiness search for achievements of a psychological tax write-off at all costs (Ahn, 2008), and this signally resembles a tragic person. As the discipline period we conducted in our school of thought build on textual hermeneutics of the Confucian Dao in the Analects, this Confuciuss saying represents the importance of the Dao (way, ? which mark to Confucius, with the follow up of hear the Dao, one could die without decline afterwards. Thus, this person or this junzi would be a felicitous person since he contains the very important means Dao, and that he is suddenly not a tragic person as Hosung Ahn considers as. In name of Ha Poong Kims recital of a junzi, I touch with Kim regarding the incident that Confucius repeatedly urges his disciples to lease the Songs and unison because it would indeed champion his pupils awaken and prolong their minds, enjoy the half dozen arts, and bear down to the Dao.I to a fault accord with Kim that a junzi is many-sidedness. What I do not agree with Kim is his variediation of a junzi and a xiaoren through aesthetic awareness. As I mentioned above, Kim (2006) summarizes in this crabbed main argument that without this wakening, the learning or scholar will lie a xiaoren Ru, no subject how well knowledgeable he whitethorn be in ritual subjects, and no matter how harmless he may be in his estimable conduct. In my opinion, apart from pointing out Confucius advocates his pupils to admit the Songs and Music, Kim has not disposed ample proof to obligate this claim.He has not shown any Confuciuss breeding that could stage the fundamental exit amongst a xiaorens and a junzis aesthetic awareness, that earlier Kim provides claims just from his own exploration of Confuciuss thoughts. To provided prove that Kims edition is inaccurate, there are numerous examples of junzi wanting of musical talents and xiaoren being exceedingly quick in aesthetic. In my opinion, Confucius does believe that music could diverge ones mind, slump ones mood, noneffervescent ones qi (energy) and and so on , except Confucius surely does not identify a junzi from a xiaoren ground on aesthetics. . closure mutualist and mutualist Virtues of Junzi jibe to Antonio S. Cua, junzi is a paradigmatic individual who sets the government note and persona of the life of ordinary bicycle moral agents, and a junzi is a person who embodies ren (humanness, ? ), yi (righteousness, ? ), li (rites, ?). In addition, irrelevant Ahn or Kim, Cua recognizes that but the basic, inter hooklike, and primal virtues of ren, yi, and li, a junzi as well involves grumpy reliant virtues such as filiality (xiao, ? ), magnanimity (kuan, ? ), trus iirthiness (xin, ? ), and courage (yong, ? ).Cua regards these as hooklike virtues in the sense that their ethical consequence depends on connecter with the basic, mutually beneficial, and redbird virtues and Antonio S. Cua get on stresses that drug-addicted virtues are not crucify or logical derivatives of the basic virtues. In 1430, the get the best said, The way of the gilt-edged man is threefold, but I am not decent to it. Virtuous, he is clean-handed from anxieties wise, he is unembellished from perplexities bold, he is dispatch from fear. As we interpreted in class that consort to Confucius, to give out a junzi, one mustiness be mora lly good, intellectually wise, and psychologically brave.In my point of view, I highly agree with Cuas claim and I think although Confucius identifies humanness, wisdom, and courage as the surpassing mans three core virtues, inter aquiline virtues and low-level virtues work together to form the junzi. To clarify, Antonio S. Cua borrows Xunzis property, a Chinese Confucian philosopher who lived during the war States plosive and contributed to one of the snow Schools of Thought, the rudimentary virtues ren, yi, and li are generic cost, and dependent virtues such as xiao, kuan, xin, yong are state ground.In other words, specify terms are terms that specify the cover implication of the firebird virtues in special(a) contexts of conference (Cua, 2007). To argue further, in the Analects, we could materialize fragments of Confuciuss remarks that mention twain profound virtues and dependent virtues in the identical contexts. For example, in that respect were foursome things which the chieftain taught letter (wen, ? ), morality (xing, ? ), fealty of soul (zhong, ? ), and frankness (xin, ? ). Confucius, The Analects, 7. 25And in 1428 we could denudation Confuciuss teaching of ren, zhi (wisdom, ? ), and yong (courage, ? ) in 319 li and zhong in 134 li, yi, and xin and so on. For heuristic purposes, Cua regards dependent virtues as two different groups validating and essential virtues. Cua explains that the distinction betwixt are that the cause are friendly or helpful, though not necessary, to the education of the scarlet tanager virtues such as ren, yi, and li whereas the latter, are those that are twain verifying and essential of the whole tone of the rudimentary virtues actualized (Cua, 2007).Also, depending on the record and temperament, a organic and encouraging virtue varies, that is, what is alone a essential assign in one person may be a adjuvant deservingness for another. Thus, Cua believes that Confuciuss idea o f the junzi is flexible or adaptable, and I highly agree with him. To sum up, in my point of view, fit in to Confucius, what qualities a junzi should cultivate, possess, and utilisation is the whiz of virtues that consists of ren, yi, and li as the basic cardinal virtues, and corporate trust with other qualities such as xiao, yong, zhong, xin, kuan, etc.Depending on each different person and situation, the social functionping of the virtues of junzi is in the distinction between basic, cardinal, mutually beneficial and dependent, confirming and essential virtues, which may be referred to the way of the superior man is wizardfold. 7. terminal On this paper, I provided circumstance information of the topic I discussed and cut two interpretations do by Hosung Ahn and Ha Poong Kim. In response to Ahns and Kims argument, I have do a private reassessment that a junzi is not a tragic person and that a junzi is not required to possess aesthetic awareness.I then offered my u pshot along with employing Antonio S. Cuas interpretation of this topic. 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