Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Overcoming Writer’s Block by Bryan Hutchinson

Overcoming Writer’s Block by Bryan Hutchinson Overcoming Writer’s Block: An Interview with Bryan Hutchinson We often like to say that writing the book is the hard part. Sometimes, though, it can get really hard. Writer’s block is an ever-present subject in writing forums and communities, and most writers are faced with it at some point in their careers.There are no simple tricks and techniques for overcoming writer’s block that work for everyone, contrarily to what the myriad of blog posts on this subject would lead you to believe. It is, however, almost always linked to self-doubt (or to an underlying block), and that is something everyone (not just writers) can work on.For this, we decided to cut through all the noise out there around this subject and bring a true expert to the Reedsy blog: Bryan Hutchinson is the author of Writer’s Doubt and the founder of Positive Writer, one of the most acclaimed blogs about writing out there. What’s good about him is that he is, indeed, positive. And self-doubt has little grip on a positive person. Self-doubt affects everyone in every aspect of their lives. I’ve heard from people in a lot of different fields who have read my book â€Å"Writer’s Doubt† and found it extremely helpful and they’re surprised because it is supposed to be for writers. The reality is we all deal with doubt and I just happened to write about it in the context of writing, but anyone reading the book can apply it to the context of their lives and their work.Follow Bryan Hutchinson and Reedsy on Twitter: @Adderworld and @ReedsyHQHave you ever been faced with writer's block? How do you usually deal with it (over here at Reedsy, we just go for a walk)? Leave us your experiences and tips, or any question for Bryan, in the comments below!

Monday, March 2, 2020

Practice in Eliminating Gender-Biased Language

Practice in Eliminating Gender-Biased Language This exercise will give you practice in recognizing sexually biased language and avoiding it in your writing. Before attempting the exercise, you may find it helpful to review  sexist language,  biased language,  gender,  and generic pronouns. Instructions Consider how the following sentences reinforce sexual stereotypes by their reliance on gender-biased language. Then revise the sentences to eliminate the bias. To a woman who possesses the necessary qualifications, nursing offers a life of unusual interest and usefulness. She will have limitless opportunities to improve herself and to help others.Each laboratory assistant must perform the experiment at least once before he teaches it to the class.The priest asked, Are you ready to love and honor each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives?No matter how busy he is, a pilot should take the time to thank the stewardesses at the end of every flight.My grandparents days consist of waiting by the window for someone to come up the walkwhether friend, mailman or salesman.The female lawyer conceded that her client was no Mother Teresa.In some cases, if your insurance has been slow in paying and your doctor has his lab work done away from his office, you may receive a bill from a laboratory you have never heard of. If this happens, call your doctors billing secretary and ask her to tell you exactly what the bill is for.Though occasionally s he may be called on to help others in the office, a secretary should take orders only from the manager she supports. The beginning student should spend his time becoming familiar with primary rather than secondary texts, with classics rather than with books about classics.The shift from animal and muscle power to machine power was a major achievement for man. When you have completed the exercise, continue reading to compare your revised sentences with the sample answers. Sample Answers To those people who possess the necessary qualifications, nursing offers a life of unusual interest and usefulness. They will have limitless opportunities to improve themselves and to help others.Each laboratory assistant must perform the experiment at least once before teaching it to the class.The priest asked, Are you ready to love and honor each other as husband and wife for the rest of your lives?No matter how busy the pilots are, they should take the time  to thank the flight attendants at the end of every flight.My grandparents days consist of waiting by the window for someone to come up the walkwhether friend, mail  carrier or salesperson.The lawyer conceded that her client was no Mother Teresa.In some cases, if your insurance has been slow in paying and your doctors lab work is done away from the office, you may receive a bill from a laboratory you have never heard of. If this happens, call your doctors billing office and ask exactly what the bill is for.Though occasional ly they may be called on to help others in the office, secretaries [or  assistants] should take orders only from the managers they support. Beginning students should spend their time becoming familiar with primary rather than secondary texts, with classics rather than with books about classics.The shift from animal and muscle power to machine power was a major achievement for humanity.